The vivid colors of Atulayan bay lend an air of serenity to the island. Over the years, Atulayan has gained reputation as a favorite summer haven, owing to its accessibility, white sand beaches and refreshing panorama.
Too often we forget that there is beauty in simplicity. Here in Atulayan Island, the gentle breeze, the windswept shores and the muted sounds of nature speak of such simple yet undeniable beauty.
Atulayan is the only island in mainland Partido with white beaches. At 200 square kilometers, it has approximately 100 households, with fishing and sari-sari store operation as the main livelihood. Regular boat trips to the island are available at Nato Wharf.
The east side of the island is uninhabited, so tourists have more privacy. The verdant trees, calm sea and gleaming sand provide the ideal background for a day of swimming and relaxation.