- Supply and delivery of water meter 1/2"
- Supply and delivery of Aluminum Sulfate and Calcium Hypochlorite
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Thursday, February 4, 2016 | 9:30AM
- Spare parts for electrical controls in MCC panel & ATS panel
- Rehabilitation and repair of CHRD Building (Left Wing)
see details here
Partido Development Administration, in partnership with the Department of Health-Provincial DOH Office, Department of Agriculture, Provincial Health Office of Camarines Sur, Bicol Medical Center, Department of the Interior and Local Government and nine out of the ten local government units of the Fourth Congressional District of Camarines Sur concluded the Partido Rabies Awareness Caravan for 2015.
These municipal advocacies were offshoots of the district-wide advocacy conducted earlier in 2015 and in keeping up with the mandate of Republic Act 9482 or the Anti-Rabies Act of 2007. The advocacy was cascaded to the municipalities to strengthen the level of awareness of the public on the dangers of rabies, a fatal but preventable disease which has registered the highest human fatality in Camarines Sur, particularly in Partido. The caravan team composed of representatives from partner agencies conducted the municipal advocacies, following the final schedule below:
1. San Jose Oct. 12
2. Tigaon Oct. 13
3. Lagonoy Oct. 15
4. Sagnay Oct. 19
5. Presentacion Oct. 20
6. Garchitorena Oct. 21
7. Goa Oct. 26
8. Tinambac Oct. 27
9. Siruma Nov. 13
The participants included the barangay captains, barangay tanods, barangay animal health workers, Municipal Health Office staff, local police, and representatives from the respective Public School Districts. As the key leaders in their municipalities, these participants are expected to disseminate the same knowledge to other people in their respective areas. The resource speakers thoroughly discussed topics on rabies prevention, control, including the policies and corresponding penalties. Action plans were also agreed to be formulated by the municipalities through the initiative of the Municipal Local Government Operations Officers. Among the 9 municipalities, the municipality of Sagñay simultaneously conducted dog spaying and neutering to control the rapid increase in dog population. The municipality of Caramoan will conduct the same activity in 2015.
Supportive to the campaign against rabies, the PDA has also requested the Department of Health to establish three (3) Animal Bite Treatment Centers (ABTCs) in Partido. These shall be strategically located in the municipalities of Caramoan, Tinambac and Tigaon. The establishment of these ABTCs shall immensely help lessen the cost and travel time of the patients to the nearest ABTC located in the Bicol Medical Center- Naga City, and reduce the number of Partido patients going to BMC-ABTC to get their rabies immunization.
1. Rabies is 100% fatal but 100% preventable. There is a need to intensify the advocacy especially at the barangay level to inform the Partido constituents regarding misconceptions, dangers, management and treatment of rabies.
2. To strengthen the management and control of rabies on dogs, the Municipal Agriculture Offices should observe the ideal 80% and above annual dog vaccination, stray dogs should be managed, and the advocacy on responsible pet ownership should be intensified. Dog spaying and neutering may also be opted as measures to control dog population.
3. It is important that patients report animal bites to their respective RHUs or Barangay Health Centers to ensure proper recording of animal bites.
4. In Camarines Sur, the nearest Animal Bite Treatment Center (ABTC) to Partido is in the Bicol Medical Center. While there is an Animal Bite Center in San Jose (mainland Partido), it is not DOH-managed/recognized.
5. To reinforce Partido’s response against rabies, the establishment of three (3) ABTCs is being proposed, namely ABTC-Tigaon, ABTC-Caramoan, ABTC-Tinambac. The strategic locations of these ABTcs aim to capture patients from their adjoining municipalities. This will help decrease the number of animal bite patients being referred and attended to at the BMC-ABTC, and will lessen the travel time and cost of the patients going to the said facility. The request has already been submitted by the PDA to the DOH, and has already received positive feedback. PDA shall closely monitor and follow-up on the progress of this request.
6. In coordination with the Municipal Local Government Operations Officers, the Municipal Action plans on rabies control shall be monitored. Follow-on meetings shall be conducted with the partners agencies after the municipal advocacies.
DA's News Article: read here.
Thursday, December 17, 2015